Our company
Who we are
Fontes de Paris is a family company founded in 1985. It is part of a group of companies including a foundry unit, “Fonderie du Der” (brass & aluminum foundry, cast with sand by gravity) and a unit of metal treatment “Chrométal Gider”. Fontes de Paris is also the majority shareholder of the company ACI2B, boiler business set up in Haute-Marne, as well as Grechi Light & Energy, lighting fixtures manufacturer based in Milan, Italy. These companies collectively employ over 50 people, for a total turnover of over 10M €.
Since its origin, Fontes de Paris creates a whole range of public lighting and urban furniture products, and more particularly style lanterns, functional lanterns, cast iron light poles, wall brackets and arms.
Thanks to our skills in foundry, mechanical welding, mechanical assembly, electric mounting we received in 2016 the label “Origine France Garantie” for all our style lanterns (excluding led light sources), our arms, and our brackets. Three years later, we are still the only public lighting manufacturer eligible for this label given by the “Pro France” organism, and controlled by the Bureau Véritas.
Fontes de paris is also very active in the renovation of historic lanterns and masts and has as well received the label “Entreprise du patrimoine vivant”. This label awarded by the Minister of Economy, is a mark of recognition by the State put in place to distinguish French businesses with excellent know-how in industrial craftsmanship.
This “Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant” label is probably what corresponds the most to our mission as a company, which can be summarized as so : “We are all engaged in the preservation of a historic know-how and heritage while making it live, flourish, and energizing it while modernizing constantly thanks to the latest technological innovations for the benefit of our client, collectivities, cities, agglomerations and installers.“